Jack Tomasello

Tomasello Winery

The combination of the bird distress and alarm calls with the large variety of what I call, “bomb blasts” has the birds totally out of the vineyard. Your Phoenix Wailer Mark III has saved me a small fortune.


Original Letter:

August 19, 1996

Mr. Bruce Blacklock
Phoenix Agritech
P.O. Box 10
Truro, Nova Scotia
Canada, B2N5B6

Re: Phoenix Wailer

Dear Bruce:

I am pleased to drop you this letter on behalf of your Phoenix Wailer. Until now, we had a serious problem on one of our vineyards, in a Chardonnay block. After trying everything I could think of, your Phoenix Wailer came available. In 1993 we lost about 60% of the variety due to bird damage. In 1994 when we purchased your Phoenix Wailer Mark II we only lost about 10%. Then in 1995 we upgraded to the Phoenix Wailer Mark III and that solved the problem completely.

The combination of the bird distress and alarm calls with the large variety of what I call, “bomb blasts” has the birds totally out of the vineyard. Your Phoenix Wailer Mark III has saved me a small fortune. The last thing a grape farmer wants to experience after a long growing season, is the lost of the crop due to birds.

This year we expanded by purchasing additional speakers to cover a larger area. To date, we are covering about 20 acres without any bird problems.

Thanks for your help in solving this serious problem completely.

Best Regards,

Jack Tomasello